18xx und Zugzwang

1830NL Summary of rules

1830NL was created by Helmut Ohley in 1999. He used 1839 "Netherlands" as model, which was developed by Theo Jansma in 1993.

In principle the rules of 1830 are valid.


Short NameNameTokenStart-Field
ASAlmelo Salzbergen4E16
NCSNederlandsche Centraal Sp.4F13
DVDe Veluwe4G8
MESM. tot Exploitatie v. Staats. Sp.3J7
HISHollandsche IJzeren Sp.M.3E6 West
NZONederlandsche Zuid Ooster3H13
ZHEZuid-Hol. Electrische Sp.2G2
NRSNederlandsche Rhijn Sp.2E6 South-East
NFLNoord Friesche Lokaal2B15

Private Companies

PriceNameDividendblocks Field(s)Special Abilities
20,-10 !!F5 can build an extra tile on F5 with 20 Gulden discount
40,-25F15, G16 free token on Field with large town but without track in phase lay token
70,-310F9changeable in 10% DV
110,-410F19plus 10% NCS
160,-510E4, E6plus 20% Direktor HIS,
closes, when HIS buys its first train
200,-615J3, K2plus 30% Direktor NFL,
closes, when NFL buys its first train

As the private company 1 pays no dividends the private company 2 gets 5 Gulden cheaper in the auction (similar to the SVR&N in 1830)
If the private company 2 lays its free token on H13, it remains there until the NZO has laid its first (home)-token.


Sort out from the 1830-tiles: the B-tiles, the NY-Tiles and the tiles with two small cities
Add the following tiles:
3 large yellow towns with a large curve (value 20), number 6
4 green X-towns (value 50) for the yellow X-towns on E6, G2, H3 , numbers 12, 13, 205, 206
4 small green towns (value 20) for small yellow towns, Numbers 87, 88
2 brown X-towns (value 70), Numbers 218, 219
1 brown Z-town (value 70) for green Z-town on B15, Number 336


Add a 4-train and a 6-train.
The total money in the bank is the same as in 1830.
There is a 9th corporation, the NFL, with a 30%-presidency-share.
The limit of papers increases by one at more than 4 players and by 2 at less than 5 players.