1830 Lummerland - summary of rules
1830 Lummerland was developed by Kay-Viktor Stegemann.
Lummerland is an island from the novel for children 'Jim Knopf and Lukas the engine driver' by Michael Ende.
In the original map the hexes are named after the figures in the novel
C4 = Jim Knopf (came to the island by post),
C8 = Lukas, the engine driver,
C6 = Alfons, quarter to twelveth (the king),
D7 = Mr. Sleeve ,
B5 = Mrs. Waas (has a little shop).
In principle the rules of 1830 apply.
The tiles of 1830 are used, although not all of them will be needed.
There is only one private company, the "Mailship". Its price is 20$ and it has the characteristic of the "Schuylkill Valley". No Hex is blocked by the Mailship.
There are only two Corporations: "Jim Knopf" (JK) und "Lukas, the engine driver" (LL). Both corporations may build a station at C6 beside their home stations.
There are the following trains: Two 2, and one 3, 4, 5, 6, Diesel each. In the phase "purchase of trains" a corporation may buy only one train.
Wenn the 5-train is bought Mrs Waas bakes a "Gugelhupf" (A kind of cake in a special shape). In the following Operating Round B5 is worth 20$.
The total money is 2000$, 1200$ are divided between the players in the beginning.
At the start of the game each player may make a bid. The player with the highest bid chooses his seat first. The other player follow in order of their bids. If two or more players have the same bid, roll a dice. In the end of the game the bids are subtracted from the money of the players.
Extension-Kit "New-Lummerland"
Space is rare in Lummerland. In the novel a swimming island is caught and added to Lummerland. In the game this a hex with a small town (worth 20$) and a track from the town to one edge of the hex. Before the start of the game it is added to a free border of Lummerland.