18xx und Zugzwang

These rules are old and not authorised. They should be same as provided with the game, but there is no final check!

1895 Namibia Short Rules

If a rule is not clear or if I forgot to mention a rule, the rules of 1830 are valid as Your groups interprets them.

1895 is designed for 3 players.

Number of players  Capital Limit of papers
3 560 13

The bank has 6500 Reichsmark (RM)

All informationen, especially the money of the players and the corporations are open to everyone.


Private Corporation

There is one private corporation: The steam tractor "Martin Luther" This engine is historical. It was first steam engine in Namibia. It stuck in the desert for several years. Therefore people called it "Martin Luther" because he said: "Here I stand, I can do no other".
Its dividend is 5. It does not have a special ability. It closes when it becomes brown. It may not be closed voluntarily.
There is a free auction. The auction of this corporation is the first action in 1895. The Start Player may bid any amount larger than 4 RM or pass. Other players may increase the bid by 5 or more. If nobody wants to bid on it, the first player must take it for free.


Name Short name Start Destiny of
the Obligation
Token Minimum Price for the Obligation
Staatsbahn STA D11 G10 4 60
Otavi Minen und
Eisenbahn Gesellschaft
OME D11 G6 3 50
Südbahn SD E18 I22 3 40
Ostbahn OB G10 O2 2 30
Nord-Süd-Bahn NS G10 I22 2 20

Operating Round:



Motivation for the development of this game

Often there are only three or four players who want to play 18xx. Or sometimes after a long day of 18xx only few players remain, who want to play another short 18xx-game.
Although there are a large number of 18xx-games already, there are only few 18xx-games for three players.
Therefore I decided to develop this game. I chose Namibia because my little sister lived there several years and sent me a lot of information and historical maps.
The main theme of this game is not complex railroad construction. The number of brown tiles is limited, so that there will be no useless delay in the end of the game (when everything has been decided). Many hexes of the plan probably won't be used, but this is realistic in view of the Namibian geography.
The most important element of the game is the obligations. The main question is whether to buy several obligations and for what price. Players who got more than one obligation have to pay attention to have enough money to be able to buy the presidency-share of the second (third?) obligation.