18xx und Zugzwang

Frequently asked questions about 1895



·         There are only 24 trains in the game (not 32 as mentioned in the „game components“

·         Some games don’t contain a marker for the round-change. Please add an own marker. Thanks.

·         If a single train runs through that hex twice (e.g. looping round on > a #19 tile) does it earn the money twice?
no, this was not intended, a mine has the same qualities in this regard as a town.

·         If multiple trains each run through that hex, do all earn the money?
yes, this was intended,  a mine has the same qualities in this regard as a town.

·         There are no stickers to mark a side of a token. I think, this is not necessary, when there are only 5 corporation. The rules say, that there were some. This is wrong. Therefore you can’t choose the technique, to turn the corporation's share price marker when it has operated to the which corporation is next.

·         Page 8, ch. XI, 4th §: "...except that he can choose to run VIA a mine instead."  Exchange via with “including”