18xx und Zugzwang

1830/32 Summary of rules

1832 was published first by Michael Liebetanz in 1987. In principle the rules of 1830 are valid.


Short NameNameTokenStart-Field
OuCie de l'Ouest4Rennes, J4
CenCie du Centre4Nevers, M9
SOCie du Sud-Ouest4Bordeaux, Q5
EstCie du l'Est3Strasbourg, H14
PLMParis-Lyon-Mediteranee3Lyon, O11
MidCie du Midi3Marseille, V12
NCie de fer du Nord2Lille, C9
POCie du 'Orleans2Paris SW, H8

Private Companies

PriceNameDividendblocks Field(s)Special Abilities
20FFCie de St Etienne 5FFP10 can build track on P10 for 120 FF and lay a token simultaniously for free.
40FFCie de Paris - St Germain10FFI7can lay an extra tile on I7
70FFCie de la Ceinture 15FFG9, I9none
110FFCie de Val de Loire20FFL8changeable in 10% Cen
160FFCie de Bologne - Amiens25FFD8plus 10% Nord
220FFCie de Lyon - Mediterrane30FF-plus 20% PLM, closes, when PLM buys its first train

Tiles and Ports

Sort out the B-tiles, the NY-tiles and one 63-Tile
Add the following tiles: one: 4,8,9,15,58
There are two differnt L-tiles for C9 and O11, which may be laid only in that direction, which is shown in the tilelist.
Lyon-yellow may be laid while the private company PLM still exists.
There are two equal L-tiles, and a brown Li for C9 (Lille) and a brown Ly for O11 (Lyon).
There ist a green and a brown tile for (H8) (Paris): Montparnasse in South-West must stay a single station.
The brown tile of Paris in the ps-tilelist and the ps-map is (still) wrong. Those cities, which are not Montparnasse, are double cities.
There are 3 brown Tiles BLM for Bordeaux (V12), Le Havre(F6) and Marseille (Q5).
The corporations MID and SO may build tile 15 at Q5/V12 in the green phase also if tile 57 has not been laid.
The corporations MID and SO may build BLM-tile at Q5/V12 in the brown phase also if tile 57 or tile 15 has not been laid.
The corporation which has a token at the sea in Marseiile, Le Havre or Bordeaux get 20 Franc from the green phase on at the beginn of each operating round as income for the harbour. If a upgrading corporation is laying a token there it may choose it as harbour-token.
There are differnt similar variants of the harbour-rule. This one is from Helmut Ohley.